Read All The Buzz About RobertBrews

Current San Antonio barbecue fan launches small-batch, low-sodium rubs and seasonings

San Antonio home cook Robert Johnson wasn’t going to let a few heart attacks get him down.Johnson loves to barbecue and smoke meats. But when his physician put him on a strict low-sodium diet for the sake of his heart health, he struggled to find tasty rubs and seasonings that complied with doctor’s orders.So, he created his own: RobertBrews, a newly launched line of small-batch, low-sodium rubs and seasonings.

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SHOUT OUT DFW: Meet Robert Johnson | RobertBrews Creator of Low Sodium Rubs and seasonings.

We had the good fortune of connecting with Robert Johnson and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Robert, can you walk us through the thought-process of starting your business?


RobertBrews was created to fill a niche discovered through my own personal journey. I learned firsthand that necessity is indeed the mother of invention! After several heart attacks and open-heart surgery in 2015, my doctor insisted I cut salt out of my diet if I wanted to live.


As someone who had been grilling and smoking foods my entire life, since my dad taught me as a kid, it’s something I’ve always lived for. However, I struggled to find flavorful rubs and seasonings that were low in sodium, yet still tasted great. That’s when I decided to create my own.

In 2020, I launched six low sodium seasonings/rubs that are so good you want to put them on everything,

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SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS NEWS: 5 great barbecue seasoning rubs made in San Antonio and New Braunfels that every BBQ lover should have

Some people collect stamps or coins. I collect spice rubs, and I love it when I find a good one made locally. Recently, I found five, and many of them with little or no sodium. 

“In 2015, I had a heart attack and was forced to completely rethink everything that I ate,” said Robert Johnson, who developed a line of RobertBrews rubs that keep sodium levels low. “I wanted to just write it off as too many tacos and too much beer, but it was the salt that really got me. But I still wanted to eat good food with flavor, so that was my inspiration to get into this business.”

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